Posted on 5/26/2022

As your vehicle ages, its components endure natural wear and tear. One of those components may include the thermostat. Your car’s thermostat is part of the cooling system, and it is in charge of measuring the engine’s temperature. It allows the release of coolant when the engine gets too hot. Below are some of the symptoms that your thermostat has gone bad. Overheating The most common sign of a bad thermostat is engine overheating. If the wrong temperature is being read or the thermostat is stuck closed, it won’t release the coolant necessary to cool down your engine. It’s important to replace a malfunctioning thermostat as soon as possible. An engine that overheats can be severely damaged. Fluctuating Temperature Gauge Another sign that your thermostat is broken is an erratic temperature gauge. This gauge is located on your dashboard. If you notice that the temperature fluctuates a lot, this can indicate that the thermostat is malfunctioning. Coolant ... read more