For many of us, we see March as the beginning of spring. But for some, it is still tax season. If you've received or are expecting a refund this year, you should listen up before blowing it on something you regret later. Let's face it: inflation is getting to most of us. With gas prices already high, we can't risk having car problems too. It is a time of year when many of us need to start saving money and prioritizing our needs over wants first. And we recommend putting some of that extra cash to the side for maintenance and repairs that can boost your car's efficiency.
Why are we telling you this? Your vehicle needs some upkeeping, and the cost to keep one right now is high. Preventive car care is key if you want your vehicle to be efficient and last a long time. Not only will you need an oil change, but throughout the year, your brakes might wear down, your fluids may get dirty, your tires may need to be replaced, etc. It's always good to have an "emergency fund" for your car.
Spending your tax dollars on nonessential needs can be a costly mistake. So we encourage you to start the year off by putting that money towards something more practical, like car maintenance and repairs.
The automotive technicians at 26th Street Auto Center are friendly, experienced, ethical, and always here to lend a hand in improving your driving experience. For all your automotive needs this year, please do not hesitate to call or give our Santa Monica auto repair shop a visit. We look forward to hearing from you!